Pincode Facts

Indian Postal department use Postal Index Number(PIN) or Pincode for post office numbering. PIN code is a 6 digit code is used to find out delivery Post Offices in India. The PIN codes are divided in 9 zones. The first digit represents the region. The second digits represents the sub-region , and the third digit represents the district of that region.

The first digit of PIN indicates as below:

First Digit Region States Covered
1 Northern Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir
2 Northern Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal
3 Western Rajasthan and Gujarat
4 Western Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh
5 Southern Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
6 Southern Kerala and Tamil Nadu
7 Eastern West Bengal, Orissa and North Eastern
8 Eastern Bihar and Jharkand
9 APS Army Postal Service

The first 2 digits of PIN indicates as below:

First 2 Digits of PIN Circle
11 Delhi
12 and 13 Haryana
14 to 16 Punjab
17 Himachal Pradesh
18 to 19 Jammu & Kashmir
20 to 28 Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal
30 to 34 Rajasthan
36 to 39 Gujarat
40 to 44 Maharashtra
45 to 49 Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh
50 to 53 Andhra Pradesh
56 to 59 Karnataka
60 to 64 Tamil Nadu
67 to 69 Kerala
70 to 74 West Bengal
75 to 77 Orissa
78 Assam
79 North Eastern
80 to 85 Bihar and Jharkand
90 to 99 Army Postal Service (APS)

Last updated on: February, 10 2025

Disclaimer: We have tried to collect and display the most accurate and latest information from India Postal offices and pincodes. There might be some incorrect data. Please do let us know regarding the same at getpincodes[at] This data has been sourced from India Post